Thursday, January 11, 2007

Why I think Rush Limbaugh should be dropped on Michael Moore from a bomber.

First off, watch this:

Now this:

Now, it was mentioned in the spots, but Fox's jerky movements were not caused by the disease itself, and exacerbated by not taking medication, but by the medication itself.

Limbaugh is one of the more wretched excuses for truly bilious vile inhuman cruelty.

Now, there's something else that was mentioned in those spots, and it hit me like a ton of lead.

MJF: (sic) "These fetal cells are coming from the leftover cells of in-vitro fertilization procedures; they're going to be destroyed anyways." (italics mine)

Up to now, I have opposed using fetal stem cells for research because I had been led to believe that these cells were coming from abortion victims (about 98% of whom I regard as murder victims, since their mothers were in no danger), or from embreyos created for the express purpose of then ghoulishly killing them and harvesting their cells.

If what he said is true, and I can't think of any good reason for it not to be true, then using these leftover cells for stem cell research is not only not morally questionable, but failing to use these cells for said reasearch is a malignant waste of life.

Let me explain (more to myself honestly):

In vitro fertilization is used when a couple can't conceive normally, but the mother can bear children. The process requires harvesting a number of sperm and egg cells from the prospective parents. The purpose of this procedure is to create life. That's important. To me. (If the procedure doesn't take place, no babies will be born at all to the couple. All of their sperm and eggs will go to waste.) The sperm and eggs are mixed, and in the process, several or maybe even all of the eggs are fertilized. The fertilized eggs are then placed in growth solutions, and one that appears hardy is selected and an implantation is attempted. The rest are frozen or otherwise stored, in case the first attempt fails. Once there is a successful outcome, the remaining embreyos are discarded.

Discarded. Thrown away. Tossed out and left to rot. Killed for no purpose. Their lives are wasted. Even though they could be used to create technology to save other lives. That is just wrong. And now there are people are coming along and saying: 'Let us use these embreyos to find cures for diseases that afflict and kill millions each year.'

Pro-lifers, brothers, fellow Christians, hear me. We have been misled. Stem cell research is not causing the deaths of the unborn, it is giving those deaths, and the short lives that preceded them, meaning. If we truly care about the unborn, then let us also care about those who will be born with genetic predispositions to diabetes, Parkinson's, ALS, Alzheimer's, and other maladies that these wasted lives could help cure.

Ask yourself this, while you're asking yourself 'Would I want to be aborted?': 'If I knew I was going to die, but I had the choice of dying to no purpose, or dying to save or improve the lives of millions, how would I choose?' We all know how Jesus chose, when faced with that question. There is no morally valid reason to oppose stem-cell research of in vitro leftovers. They are going to die regardless. Let them at least have a meaningful death.

"And the truth shall set them free"


SuperWife said...

Thanks for passing along this information, Nate. I'm sure pro-lifers will argue that this opens a door and takes the research one step closer to where they never want it to go. I hope your impassioned plea will make them rethink that position.

Nate said...

I am a pro-lifer. The only reason I ooposed fetal stem cell research was because the information I was given indicated that healthy babies were being aborted specifically for the purpose of this research.

That is a lie.

Lies can be no part of moral thinking.

SuperWife said...

Lies can be no part of moral thinking.

Earthshattering news there, Nate.

Oh, it makes perfect sense, don't get me wrong, some of even the most recent public pillars of moral thinking (catholic priests, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggert, Rush Limbaugh) have wrapped themselves in lies.

It's a dogma I can definitely support, though.

Nate said...

I know it's not news, but a lot of people try doing it anyway, so clearly it bears repeating:

It doesn't matter what you're trying to do, or who you're trying to save: if you base your attempts on lies, you deserve to fail.

If you want to cure cancer, but to do it your way you need to lie to people, you should fail. Find another way.

The ends never justify the means. Anyone who's trying to accomplish something by lying to people deserves to fail.

The whole stem-cell debate was begun with lies. People who are ostensibly pro-life decided to attach it to their cause even though there is at best a tenuous connection. I can only assume they did this to somehow aid the pro-life cause, what they fail to ralize, however, is that it (much like they themselves, natch) does their cause more harm than good.

Why can't there be a few more intelligent pro-lifers? It's lonely up here, I tell ya.

Anonymous said...

I notice I really didn't give Limbaugh equal time.

So, in the interest of fairness...

Rush is wrong, he's fat, he's pigheaded, mean-spirited, an asshole, a douchebag, and a total and complete fuckwit. In fact, pretty much everything I said about Michael Moore can be equally applied to him as well.