Friday, February 09, 2007


Awful quiet around here.

In other news, is it just me, or am I some kind of freako?

The last few posts here have wandered all over the left-right spectrum... hard-core fundy 'famulee VAILyews', tree-hugging greenie, more hard-core fundy Bible thumping, then some leftist Rush-bashing, titled in a manner reminiscent of my Moore-bashing thread earlier...

Am I schizophrenic? Multiple-personality-enabled? On the dope?

Well, none of the above, really. I consider myself to be a moderate extremist. Maybe a better term would be radical centrist. A hard-right left-winger? Leftist conservative? Fundie Libber? Neocon tree-hugger?


Your Girl Friday said...

On the dope Freako!! Hahaha. Love that.

I've still been reading... always will. But, yes, things got a little...... serious.

Oh by the way - Wanna be my blogging Valentine?
Happy Valentines Day!!

Laurie Boris said...

Quiet my way too...hmm...something that's been released into the atmosphere? The scent of chocolate, perhaps.

Sadly, I am immune.

I am, however, a left-handed Jewish-Unitarian atheist middle-of-the-road libertarian. But I couldn't fit it all on the voter registration card so I was left with "independent." Which still fits.

Nate said...

Hmm, Independant. Sounds kinda... lonely.

And yes, YGF, I would be honored to be your Valentine.

ashe higgs said...

your con-fussed is what you be. bitch. no wait... BITCH!