Thursday, May 31, 2007

This Post is brought to you by the letter 'P'...

So, there's a meme going around. I got the letter 'p'. Deal.

However, any old 10 things about the letter 'p' is too easy, so I'm tightening the noose. None of my 'p's' can be parted from their 'q's'.


Parquet- Not just a semi-palatable spread, it's also a type of floor covering. Does this count as two? Not in my book, baby.

Pipsqueak- Pretty much anyone standing next to me.

Pink Quartz- Also known as rose quartz, it's a fairly common stone of low value.

Pennsylvania's Quarter- it's got a rock (Keystone), a broad (the statue Commonwealth), and a barn wall (outline of the state). There's a joke in there somewhere, but I seem to have missed it. (OK, seriously, am I good, or what?)

Pumpkin Quiche- try the recipe, it sounds delicious.

Professional Quoits- Total Expected Prize Awards for this Season's 2007 Tour may approach

Quiz Proctor- The title you aspire to when you join this group of academcians in semi-formal private internal competition.

Quixotic Protagonist- see Fox Mulder, Charlie Brown, or Bruce Banner

Perfidious Quandry- to quote the Green Goblin: "Let die the one you love, or suffer the little children?"

Paragon Quacker- see Daffy Duck. Nobunny ducks it better.

I'm expecting that pumpkin quiche by FedEx soon, dammit.


Laurie Boris said...

Now would that make Donald the "ultimate quacker?"

As the great Daffy would have said, "I resemble that remark!"

Nate said...

My bad, I was ignorant of the proper meaning of 'penultimate', I thought it meant 'super-duper ultimate-er', not 'last'.

Although, Daffy is the last duck you'll ever need...

Laurie Boris said...

Not to get all teacher-like, but "penultimate" means "second to last."

Nate said...

Eh, whatever. *rolls eyes in very teenagerish manner*