Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'Tis the Season!!

Ah, the holiday shopping season. That time of year when, supposedly to honor Jesus Christ's birth (and yeah, let's not even bother getting into what an altogether truly offensive idea that is, mm-kay?), we fight and snarl amongst each other like ravening dogs fighting over meat scraps to spend money we don't have on things we don't need to buy each others' affections for another year.

To honor Christ we:

Lie to each other about why we need that particular toy.

Protect our cars from car thieves while we shop.

Brawl over crockpots while we snap up PS3's to re-auction for a healthy 700% markup to people who give their children money and toys in lieu of love.

Wait in line with fistsful of cash for PS3's, and soon we'll be packing heat when we do, thanks to inspiration from supportive goons like these.

In direct contravention to Scripture (Jeremiah, Chapter10, verses 1-5), we'll put up and decorate a Christmas tree.

To help us 'honor Christ', who threw the moneylenders out of his Father's temples, the credit card companies are 'helping' us pay for all our holiday shopping. Wasn't there some sort of old saying about history, and learning... something?

Whatever. Knock yerselves out. No, no, not whatever. It's about time I shared the other space in my tinfoil hat with you, Dear Reader. My TFH is not for 'shielding my brain from alien thought control', nor even from 'black ops government mind alteration'. No, it's for their master. Not the aliens, those are fake, just like pro wrestling. No, I'm speaking of the governments' master, Satan.

Me saying, 'Whatever.' is basically just turning a blind eye as Satan goes on about his business. Me not saying anything is spiritual cowardice. Me not standing up and numbering myself among the faithful is the same as when Peter thrice denied Christ. Time to grow a spine. I am a Christian. These things that people do in Christ's name do not please him, and they do not honor his Father, who made all. I am not ashamed of my faith, and I will not be silent.

There's a lot of yapping going on in the media about how a certain group has 'hijacked' a certain religion. Maybe it's time soneone started up some 'yapping' about a real religious hijacking. Christianity has been almost totally suborned by the worldwide cult of materialism headed by Satan. Almost.

Read God's Word the Bible daily. And the truth shall set you free.


Laurie Boris said...

To each their own, I say, even though it's grammatically incorrect. Although my own religious views are out of the mainstream, I do not feel "marginalized" when I walk by a Christmas tree in the mall. I do not feel belittled when the word "God" is mentioned. I wish everyone who gets on their religious high horses and calls on the Supreme Court whenever they feel offended would just go to a mall, have a nice big latte and relax, for Christ's sake.

Nate said...

Never said I felt marginalized, just that Christmas trees go against Scripture.

The post isn't about me wanting the government to steal Christmas. It's just me pointing out that it isn't Christian. I leave it entirely in the hands of the reader to decide how to act on that information.

Laurie Boris said...

Sorry. Misunderstood. Guess I had that on my brain. And I never read scripture. I'll take your word for it. But it seems odd that Christians would adopt a tradition that goes back to ancient warring Goths and such where they hung body parts of their vanquished enemies on trees.

And I was never comfortable with the idea of killing a perfectly fine tree and then bringing it into my home.

Nate said...

Oh, the list I could compile of what 'mainstream Christianity' does that is in direct opposition to Scripture...

Small wonder that so many people consider the entirety of Christian faith to be a sham. But then, that was the whole point. To turn people away from God...