Wednesday, December 20, 2006

So... I got home from work last night, and there was a little brown box on my doorstep. It was the right size and shape to be a bunch of DVDs, and I started fretting that maybe someone had used my credit card to order a bunch of GGW porn, so it was with some hesitation anticipation that I reached down and turned it over to see the return address.

It was not from GGW. After the initial disappointment wore off, I noted it WAS from Highlander and Super-Fiancee. It was, it must be, it could ONLY be, the legendary Mystery Gift of Epic Coolness hinted at in their blogs!

So I tore that bad boy open lickety-split (and now in addition to thanking them for their most excellent gift, I also need to thank them for affording me the opportunity to say lickety-split) and found within, a t-shirt. Not just ANY t-shirt mind you, THIS t-shirt was in one of my favorite colors, green, AND embossed with the logo of a furniture store featuring unfinished furniture named, apprpriately enough (since the store is located in Arizona) Unpainted Arizona.

Damn right!! The cool points on this gift not only topped me off, they spilled over and made a mess on the ground.

While those of you who get it chuckle and nod, the rest of you can go Google 'Raising Arizona' and figure it out. The internet is being a saucy little bitch at the moment and haughtily refusing to allow me to hotlink anything, so I hates it.

But we all know I'll be back...


Doc Nebula said...

You should understand, that t-shirt is one of the last two in the world of that kind in that size. So, you know, treasure it. I treasure mine.

Nate said...

I assumed getting it involved more effort than obtaining the Hovitos statue did for Indy. I've never seen one like it.

And to imagine, you found it in Kentucky of all places...

Nate said...


Wore it to work yesterday, none of them got it except, naturally, the one who turned me onto the Coen Brothers in the first place.
