Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why I have nothing but contempt for Michael Moore

Bowling for Columbine is a good start. Moore is already guilty of stealing an award from legitimate documentarists. I suppose his supporters' defense for this is that he 'did it for the right reasons'. I guess the ends justify the means in their book. Not in mine.

Mike, recant your award acceptance speech, return the award, give back the money, and publicly apologize to all the real documentarists you were unfairly grouped with at Cannes. While you're at it, a public apology to Charleton Heston, and the entire membership of the NRA would also be a nice gesture. No, Mike, I'm not a member. I merely possess basic literacy skills and am able to understand that the phrase: "Congress shall make no laws abridging the right to keep and bear arms' is pretty much in direct contravention to any and all gun-control statutes made by the federal government. The states can pass all the gun control they want, the feds have no jurisdiction over the matter.

So I am opposed to federal gun-control because it's frankly illegal. If the Founding Fathers were alive today, they'd be passing AK-47s around to their buddies and storming Capitol Hill to take back the country. Too bad we modern-day Americans are a bunch of fat lazy cowards that won't so much as twitch a whisker unless our own fat ass is directly threatened. The neighbors down the street are being carted off by the secret police? Screw 'em, 'Lost' is on, pass the popcorn and get me another beer.

In his first film, Roger & Me, in 1989, he actually had a legitimate point, the auto industry really did screw Flint, MI over. They flipped it and did it dry, in point of fact. But even then, even when he had a valid point to make, he was still a raging asshole. His attempts at getting interviews were calculated to fail, they were so belligerent. He wanted to be refused an interview so he could look at the camera and plaintively ask us: "What are they hiding?"

His tactics have only gotten less savory over the years, he's only become more of a thug since then. If you find yourself on the receiving end of an MM 'documentary', you can expect to be threatened, harassed, chased around, and basically hounded. You can also expect anything you do say to be spliced and edited until it says exactly what suits Moore's purposes. Refusing an interview with Moore is like looking both ways before you cross the street. It's a common sense basic safety procedure. If you discuss the local sports team with him on an elevator, don't be surprised if the microphone in his pocket records you saying things like, "Oh, he's great!", in response to questions that have nothing at all to do with your favorite quarterback or pitcher.

Michael Moore is a dishonest, greedy, manipulative, opportunistic piece of slime. He profits from lying to gullible people about other people that the first group doesn't like. He's personally profited to the tune of $21 million off the 9-11 attacks. Anyone who credits him with anything remotely positive is just enabling his victimization of them.

Michael Moore makes his living by lying to his fans in general, the Democratic Party in the USA in particular, and all liberals everywhere. For people who supposedly want to do away with various false things like stereotypes, racism (it's based on ignorance and lies), and the Republican Party (a cadre of liars and cheats if ever there was one), they swallow his swill hook, line, and stinker. I guess hearing what you want to believe is better than hearing anything accurate.

Mind you, I'm no fan of Dubya. I think the 'War in Iraq' should have been the 'War in' 'Iran', 'Saudi Arabia', or 'North Korea' if it were going to be anything at all. I think Dubya stole two elections, let 9-11 happen because he wanted a war, and lied about just about everything he's said since he learned to speak (About 9 years ago from the sound of things, I mean sweet Tom Cullen, what a retard!! M-O-O-N, that spells president, right Dickie?)

It's definitely right to criticize Dubya, it's definitely right to protest our presence in Iraq. But no matter what it is you are trying to accomplish, lying, cheating, and stealing is not the right way to go about it. Moore lies to his fans (movie-goers), cheats real documentarists out of awards, and steals the spotlight everywhere he goes to further aggrandize himself, for no apparent purpose other than to remain in the spotlight and sell more movie tickets.

Liberals of the world, wake up. This man is not, and never has been, your friend. He considers you nothing but cattle to feed on, and you dumbly stumble up the ramp into his gaping maw every time you buy a ticket to one of his schlockumentaries.

Conservatives of the world, wake up. Dubya is not now, nor has he ever been, your friend. He pays lip service to your concerns while he abuses his power to make himself and his wealthy friends wealthier at yours and my expenses.

Do the right thing in 2008, vote only for independent candidates. Let not one Republican nor one Democrat retain a place of power in this country. End their reigns of stupidity, greed and corruption forever.


Laurie Boris said...

Damn. Just when I'd gotten Michael Moore out of my head....

Your Girl Friday said...

I think Michael Moore is a fat dickhead.

There, see, I DO have intelligent things to say about this topic.

You can thank me later...

Nate said...

Sorry, Opus, had to get it off my chest.

Friday, I'd say that's about the smartest appraisal of him I've seen in print yet.

Anonymous said...

I have a tendency to agree with Friday, Besides I met him and he smelled like a festering anal disease!

I had to vomit in his presence.

Nick Moore was with me.

Nate said...

No shit! Eyewitness accounts, no less. You'd think a media whore like him would want to be hygenically acceptable.

So, he's a big, fat, liar, and apparently he smells bad, too.

You heard it here first, folks! I've scooped the entire blogosphere and the professional news media.

Doc Nebula said...

Just a note: I suspect the name of your post is meant to be 'WHY I have nothing but contempt for Michael Moore', rather than 'While'.

Other than that, please let me do nothing to interrupt this orgiastic hatefest against a fellow human being who has, to the best of my knowledge, never done any of us any harm. You guys go! Juvenile insults about B.O. and relative body mass really become every one of you. I mean it. Y'all just totally rock.

Nate said...

H: yep, my bad. Also, yes, it is fair to criticize us for taking the cheap shots at his weight, too.

I would like to point out, however, that the post itself does not base any of my objections to him on his weight, personal hygeine, or anything at all but his marked (and well-documented) dishonesty and belligerent behavior. I stand by all of that.

So, the rest of you: no more fat-fat-fatty jokes. 'Sides, who needs 'em?

Nate said...

Oh, and another thing: yes, it is true that MM has never personally attacked or harrassed me. However, he has done that on numerous occasions to people guilty of nothing more than having different opinions than he does about things like gun control and what-not.

Someone doesn't have to hurt me to be disliked by me. They can hurt other people too, and that'll piss me right the hell off. Charles Manson never did a thing to me, hate his guts. As far as I know, Josef Stalin never even hurt a direct or near relative of mine, still revile him. Hitler did go after members of my religion, with whom I have a bond that goes beyond mere blood. Hate him.

Bullying people who disagree with you is not honorable. Neither is harrassing them. MM does both. Just because he does it to some people that you (and even I, in some cases) disagree with, does not make him a good person.

The ends do not justify the means.

Your Girl Friday said...

I wasn't making fun of him because he is fat. It's just my observation of him. Thats what I think he is. Period.

Besides, isn't he someone who makes a living, voicing HIS own opinion and shoving HIS observations down peoples throats?

Is it just me, or is he quite skilled in name calling himself???

I didn't mean to offend anyone - but I stand by my opinion.

Your Girl Friday said...

Oh and Aaa, it's your blog. You can write anything you want. That's the whole point of having one in the first place. Whats the point in being politically correct when it doesn't line up with what you want to say? You are allowed to hate whoever you want dear...

I hate pigeons. They annoy me. I think they are rats with wings who are overly aggressive and single me out on the street. They chase me. It's a conspiracy. Damn pigeons.

Your Girl Friday said...

I also hate the guy who shot John Lennon. What a prick.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget Hitler he did nothing to me but I don't think I like him either.

Nate said...

I covered Hitler. YGF, thanks for your words. I understand where you're going with it being my blog and screw PC, and I agree to an extent. But I also feel that it's far more important to judge people by the content of their character than either the color, smell, or total surface area of their skin. To that end, I agree with H that it is wrong to belittle someone like MM based on hygeine and obesity, especially when he's such a hypocritical blow-hard with delusions of self-importance, and one can justly revile him for that instead.

And also, pigeons ARE rats with wings. I have a present for you...